Thursday, September 29, 2016


So, you think it would be great if everyone were just like you.

You, as an individual, are uniquely interesting.

If everyone were just like you,

What a tiresome bore you would be.

LOBSTER & ARTICHOKE DIP (for an event)

3 Red peppers, large dice
4 Celery stalks, small dice
2 Bunches of scallions, chopped
88 oz. Can of arti hearts, cut in sixths
2 1/2 cups of mayo
1 Pound of grated cheddar
1/4 Cup of lemon juice
2 Tablespoons Worcestershire
1 Teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 Pound of fresh cooked lobster meat, chopped
Serve with grilled sour dough crostini

Tuesday, September 27, 2016




  • ·        Raw shrimp, size 16/20—12 to 20 shrimp
  • ·        Extra virgin olive oil
  • ·        2 medium cloves of fresh minced garlic
  • ·        Chopped flat leaf parsley
  • ·        Juice of one lemon
  • ·        1/3 cup white wine
  • ·        1/3 cup of veggie, chicken or seafood stock
  • ·        ½ stick of cold whole butter cut into pats

  • ·        Flour shrimp
  • ·        Add EVOO & minced garlic to sauté pan—sweat, do not brown, the garlic
  • ·        Add the floured shrimp to the pan and cook 2 minutes on each side (do not remove the shrimp to make the sauce; they will finish cooking in the sauce)
  • ·        Add parsley, lemon juice, wine & stock, swirl in the pan and let reduce slightly
  • ·        Add the pats of butter separately until just melted
  • ·        Pour over your favorite pasta

Thursday, March 10, 2016



My recent few days have been dedicated to the issue of over prescribing by Dr.’s of psychotropic medications, and medications in general. At this moment I am indulging in my first dose of such; caffeine.

Dr. David Healy: “Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good. Psychiatrists should therefore do everything they can to treat as little as possible, in as short time as possible, or not at all, with psychotropic drugs.”

So, I was right primed for my own Dr.’s appointment today.

I needed a renewal on my Armour Thyroid pill. This is an ‘all natural,’ no chemical treatment for hypothyroid issues. [I have refused to take the chemicals like Synthroid, pushed by big Pharma. Dosage is notoriously unreliable.]

The medical office is in Hull / Nantasket Beach. 

Meemz and I walked the beach and then drove to the office early as I had received a call saying that I could just walk in for blood work.  My actual appointment to see the Dr. was at 11:30. We arrived at 10:45 in order to get the blood work completed before the appointment.  The receptionist said I wasn’t scheduled for blood work; scheduling is only done by the Dr. after the appointment. 


 Meemz and I toured the area killing time; after she also STRAIGTENED SEVERAL WEEKS of her own issues out with the receptionist.

Meemz waited in the car while I returned inside.  She has to leave home for her afternoon school bus route by 1:15.  I told her that I would be out by 12:00 no matter what. The very nice but minimal English speaking girl eventually showed me to a fully enclosed cubicle that was 90 degrees in temperature with no ventilation. I had to ask her to repeat the questions too many times. “The Dr. will be right in.”

I stripped down to my tee shirt and flung open the window. And listened to the assigned Dr. in the next cube talking away like it was old home day.

After 30 minutes I stepped out to the desk and asked the time and explained I couldn’t wait much longer due to the school bus issue. “Oh, he will be right in.” Ten minutes later I picked up my clothing, book and water and had my hand on the door ready to leave when I could hear him opening the door to the next cubicle.  

SHIT, missed my opportunity to escape.

He walked in and I was standing facing him ready to bolt. This is where age is such a great thing. One has learned Doctors and Lawyers are not God’s. I kept my semi aggressive attitude, determined he was not going to lull me into useless conversation.

‘Listen Doc, just give me the fucking prescription …’

“You are here why?”

“Prescription refill”

“Armour Thyroid; that is an antique med. Didn’t know they made it any more.  ‘Wassa matta wid the chemicals bitch’.

“Do not like drugs.  Fine with the Armour,” I snapped. “My partner is waiting outside and has to be to her school bus.”

‘Let’s get this show on the road doc; stop fucking around and making believe.’

“Oh, you quit smoking in 76? 

‘Listen, I said no damn small talk’, I thought while not responding.

“What about adding a cholesterol to your blood work?”

“Cholesterol is fine, I don’t eat meat and eat lots of leafy greens.”

“And I don’t suppose you’re interested in a colonoscopy?”

“That’s right. I’ll let you know if I have any problems.”

“Well your blood pressure looks a little high let’s take it again. Nope looks okay.” 

These parma puppets are dying to start me on BP meds.

“I expect to throw out the Armour when I finish losing 35 pounds.” I mistakenly told him.

“Ah I see you have never up’ed your dosage. Might make you lose weight easier.”

“I’m all set there buddy.”

“Well, let me get you a lab schedule.”

“No need, got it cataloged up here sonny.”

Guy was my age, semi-retired, bored to death (assumption).

“Nice to meet you,” he called as I was flying down the hall.

When I got in the car I told Meemz my story. She was about ready to come in a get me. 

Best time ever. Howled with laughter all the way home.  He will have something to tell his wife over dinner.

Never did get the blood work done. The pharmacy just called to say my prescription was ready anyway.

The connection, the brainwashing, of Doctors and prosecutors can be explained in a very lineal composition.  I shall work on that next I think.

Start my master's in Public Policy on Sat. Focus on Government and Law.